2 Poop Horror Stories So Awful That They Deserve An Award.

1. The road trip emergency poop pullover:

"I have two sisters and a brother, and we use to road trip to Alabama (from Indiana) on vacations. One year, we were heading back home and and my brother was like, 'oh my GOD I have to poop. RIGHT NOW!' We were are laughing it off until he started freaking out, eyes watering. Like, he was going to shit his pants soon. At that point, my dad pulled off on an exit that didn't have any public places. We had no toilet paper, so we were digging through empty McDonald's bags and throwing him all the unsoiled napkins we could find. He jumps out of the car before it fully stops and runs around to the back of some building to poop. Roughly five minutes later, he comes run-shitting around the building holding his pants and dives back into the family van. Turns out some coyotes saw him and got curious enough that they kept running up to him while he was trying to poop. To this day, he still gets travel toilet paper for Christmas." Scat Site.


2. The wasp intruder:

"When I was a little kid, I went to a public pool that only had an outdoor bathroom. I really had to poop and couldn't hold it any longer, so I ran to use it. This happened in Texas, and in the summer you'll come across wasps. Sure enough, right when I was at the point of no return, I see a wasp hovering in my stall. 'Pleasenopleasenopleasenopleaseno," I murmured, trying not to freak it out into stinging me. I see it slowly descending towards me. A little bit up, a little bit further down until it lands on my bare, pooping ass. Right when it lands, I literally whimpered like a dog. Apparently that was enough to scare the wasp away, so I quickly finished and ran out."


3 Poop Horror Stories So Awful That They Deserve An Award

1. The miserable hot cocoa incident:

"When I was 11, my dad was working at a factory that had a hot chocolate and coffee vending machine. I decided that 27 hot chocolates in a few hours would be a good idea. Well, after 27 hot chocolates, I had to use the bathroom. Sadly, I did not make it. As I was running as fast as my little legs would take me, I pooped. It projected out of me so fast people would've thought my pants were a tap dispensing poop. It was everywhere, in my pants, my socks, my shoes, the floor. But at least my dad got the rest of the day off to take me home." Scat Site


2. The summer camp nightmare:

"I was at a summer camp where we'd ride horses daily. While on a trail ride, I had to poop. There weren't any bathrooms near us, and I wasn't about to go in the woods with the entire group of campers right there. So, I pooped myself while riding a horse. I had to sit in it for 20 minutes until we got back to the main building, where I jumped off my horse and ran to the bathroom. The best part was that the girl behind me during the ride kept saying, 'your horse is farting a lot!'"


3. The betrayed by Chinese food mishap:

"Many years ago, I went and ate some Chinese food with a girl I was into. I grew up in a small town and we would all party on a stretch of road out in the country. I was hanging out there when it hit me. I took off and was going to go to the nearest gas station, but then a scenario of me shitting my pants in this public place started haunting me. So, I kept on driving home. I was 17 and still living with my parents. I flew into the driveway, rushed into the garage, and when I grabbed the the doorknob...I unloaded on myself. I just stood there in shock. I was wearing shorts. My little brother opened the door and looked me up and down as shit was just rolling out of me."


TOP 5 Ways To Improve Your Diet This Year.

1. Eat More Fruit And Veg

You may have heard it a thousand times before, but eating more portions of fruit and veg a day really is the most valuable dietary habit you can develop. Fruits and vegetables contain a vast range of health-giving vitamins, minerals and antioxidants – including carotenoids, vitamin C, potassium, folate and zinc. Remember that the wider the variety of fruit and veg you eat, the wider the range of nutrients you will get. You should aim for as colourful a plate as possible – so think broccoli, bananas, green apples, or pumpkin. And you don’t have to eat these ‘straight’. Instead, try them in soups, sauces, salads, smoothies and desserts, or with dips.


2. Reduce Your Saturated Fat Intake.

Saturated fats have been widely implicated in the development of heart disease because they increase levels of harmful cholesterol in the body while simultaneously reducing beneficial cholesterol. Saturated fats are predominantly animal fats. You can cut down on your intake of these by buying lean cuts of meat, trimming visible fat, and avoiding high-fat dairy products. Download Free Scat Porn Video - ScatSale.com Alternatively, avoid reliance on meat as the main constituent of your meals, and instead try pulses or other sources of vegetable protein.

3. Eat Breakfast Every Day.

Studies have shown that those who eat breakfast tend to be slimmer than those who don’t. There is a huge variety of foods you can start your morning with: toast, porridge, cereals, fruit, eggs, fruit juice, black/green/herbal tea, pancakes, berries, tomatoes, rice cakes, peanut butter, the list goes on! Try to base your breakfast on starches, throw in some fruit, and avoid having a fried, sugary, or meat-heavy breakfast too often.


4. Go Wholegrain.

People with healthier hearts tend to eat more whole grains.

Whether this is a reflection of a healthy lifestyle as a whole or whether it’s due in particular to whole grain properties is uncertain – but whole grains do contain more nutrients than refined grains due to the inclusion of bran and germ. Whole Grains include insoluble and soluble fiber, phytonutrients, B vitamins and vitamin E.

5. Increase Your Intake Of Fibre.

Your fibre intake will naturally increase when you start eating more fruit, veg and whole grains, but if you add pulses and legumes as well you are sure to hit the ideal target of 18g of fiber per day. Fibre will help to protect against bowel cancer, diverticulosis and constipation. Just make sure you drink plenty of fluid alongside to keep things moving.

ow To Fit Exercise Into Your Life.

Have A Fitness Plan

Some people love a schedule and like to know exactly what they’re doing and when, while others prefer to be more flexible. However if time really is of the essence then make a fitness plan. Schedule every day of the week and it will help you focus in on when you can work out. Remember you should always be ready to be flexible because sometimes stuff just happens and you have to skip a session, but by writing out a plan it makes it seem more formal and you will be more likely to commit to it and stick to it.


Early Morning Exercise

One of the consequences of having a fitness plan is that you might quickly notice that you need to create a little more time to fit your exercise into your day. One solution is simply to set the alarm for 20-30 minutes earlier and do your workout before you head to work/school. Download Shit Nude Porn Free. That might be a quick run or perhaps a circuit session in the garden with weights at home. It’s a great energy-booster and will start your day with a healthy bang.

Alternatively make time at the end of the day if that suits you more. Some people really do prefer a trip to the gym after work so if that’s you, have a lie in and change your evening plans instead.

Make Your Commute To Work Your Workout

Another great way of fitting exercise into your regular schedule is by making your commute to work your workout. Walk to the office if you can rather than take the car. How about cycling to work? Or perhaps run to vork if that’s feasible. Using the time when you might have been sat on a bus/train/car is an easy and extremely effective way of generating time to exercise that you didn’t think you had.


Use Your Lunch Break To Exercise

If you live miles from work then turning your commute into a workout isn’t practical, but how about using your lunch break to exercise? Instead of grabbing a sandwich at your desk, take your gym gear with you and either run or walk or go to the gym if there’s one at work or nearby. Alternatively you could play squash or badminton, go for a swim, or even a quick fitness class if facilities are close at hand. Even if there aren’t showers at the office, there could be a leisure centre close by where you could grab a shower before heading back to work.

Lunchtime workouts are a wonderful way of re-energising your day and the break from your laptop/computer/phone is mentally re-invigorating too. If none of the above sports appeal to you, then why not just go for a brisk walk? Getting out in the fresh air and upping that heart rate is all good news for your cardiovascular system and your general wellbeing.


Exercising At Home

Thanks to online workouts and a huge market of fitness titles, you don’t even have to step outside your front door to do a workout. Online programmes offer detailed advice and tips on what exercises to do and for which parts of the body. Fitness DVDs and TV channels offer a variety of workouts/routines and home gym equipment like dumbbells, kettle bells, mats, small weights and Swiss Balls, make it easy to organise your time and effort. It means there really isn’t any excuse not to work out and you can arrange your exercise around family/home life to suit you.

Walking Exercise

Walking everywhere rather than taking the car or bus is a cheap and easy alternative to hitting the gym every day. It costs nothing and the health benefits are huge. If you need to take public transport to work, why not get off the bus/train/tube/tram a few stops early and walk the rest of the way? If you buy a pedometer you can monitor how many steps you walk each day and calculate the calories burned. 

Get Active – It’s Good For You!

Remember something is always better than nothing. Even if it’s only a half hour, getting your heart rate up for 30 minutes will always be better from a health and fitness perspective, than lying on the couch watching TV! That can be anything from a brisk walk to the shops to a frantic 30 minutes of housework. The key is always in burning calories and moving your body. You will feel better for it and look better for it too.


Fitness Fixes For Men.

Problem - Moobs

The sworn enemy of every man are moobs. They make you feel self-conscious about your body and can impact your choice of clothing if you find yourself trying to cover your moobs with something baggy. While it’s true that all men have breast tissue, some men gain additional fat in this area resulting in the ‘man boob’ look. One of the most common causes of moobs is a lack of exercise and poor diet. However, they can also develop as a result of steroid use or a condition known as pubertal gynaecomastia.


How To Fix It

If your moobs have developed as a result of a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet, the good news is it’s not too late to get rid of them. Make sure you integrate some supersets into your workouts (two exercises completed back to back, without rest) to banish your moobs. Combine exercises such as press-ups, seated rows, dumbbell flyes, dumbbell reverse flyes and bench presses. Workouts that include supersets, combined with a healthy and nutritional diet will help you get rid of your dreaded moobs.


Problem - Beer belly

You might think that a beer belly is just something that will come to you with age - much like wrinkles and grey hair, but it’s not. Whereas women typically store excess fat on their arms, thighs and stomachs, any excess fat men carry is stored in their stomach area - resulting in the dreaded beer belly. Download Free Shit Porn AssShit.net Although beer bellies are more of a common problem for older men (as they tend to be less active) there are things you can do to get rid of the excess weight, whatever your age.


How To Fix It

One of the best health tips for men (and one particularly relevant to this issue) is to cut back on alcohol. Drinking alcohol is not the only cause of a beer belly but it’s certainly a contributing factor. Alcohol is high in calories and causes you to feel hungry - which is why so many people can be found with a kebab in hand at the end of a night out. Cutting back on your alcohol intake is the perfect place to start if you want to say goodbye to your beer belly.


Problem - Double chin

We’ve all been there at some point, an unflattering camera angle makes you look like you’ve developed a double chin in a picture. But if yours sticks around after the camera has been put away then it’s time you did something about it. The problem of a double chin could be caused by excess weight, or it could come as a result of ageing skin and genetics. The good news is, there are ways you can banish your other chin.


How To Fix It

Contrary to what many people think, surgery is not the only solution to a double chin. If your double chin has developed because of excess weight then you need to tackle the problem just as you would fat anywhere else in the body. First off, you need to create a caloric deficit and consume fewer calories than your body needs (so that you begin to use fat as an energy source). Alongside this you need to exercise regularly and carrying out a mixture of weight, interval and cardiovascular training to help shed those pounds.


Problem - Love handles

They might sound romantic, but the truth is love handles are not something many men want to have. Another problem that is caused by carrying around excess weight, if you are looking to get rid of your love handles then read on.

How To Fix It

Improve your diet if you want to lose the love handles. Try swapping drinks that are high in sugar with water and lemon juice, and include a source of protein in your breakfast and lunch. Increasing your protein intake is not as difficult as you might think, include eggs in your breakfast and eat some lean meat with your dinner. This will keep you fuller for longer, therefore preventing you from reaching for the snacks. These simple dietary changes alongside regular exercise should help your love handles drop off.


The Link Between Heart Disease And Stress.

Connection between negativity and stress

Recent research from Emory University suggests that harbouring negative feelings — such as anger, guilt and hostility — or disregarding mental health issues like depression and anxiety — can put you at high risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.

The study  of a large mixed sex sample in the United States — showed that negative emotions and mood states caused elevated levels of C-reactive proteins, which are associated with inflammation in the body and cardiovascular disease. And, surprisingly, the effects were independent of risk factors such as smoking and being very overweight.

In other words, even if you think you are doing ‘all the right things’, if you are neglecting your mental health then you are potentially still exposing yourself to a significant risk factor.


The solution

But what’s the solution? Do we all need to sign up for lifelong therapy to reduce our risk of heart disease? Well, there are two ways of looking at it.

The first option is to reduce or eliminate the causes of stress, anger, guilt, hostility, remove all the unnecessary stress from your life. Download Free Scat Porn ScatErotica.comThe other option, then, is to change the way you react to situations that cause you to feel negative. But while some would argue that making diet and lifestyle changes to enhance health is a tough call, at least eating more fruit and veg, or cutting down on red meat, are easily definable challenges.

‘As with all lifestyle changes aimed at reducing heart disease risk, such as stopping smoking or reducing weight, behavioural changes are not easy to achieve — nor do they happen quickly,’ points out Dr Ed Suarez, one of the Emory study authors. ‘The first step towards change is to notice what events individuals respond to with the negative emotion in question.


Who is affected?

The Emory University study found that postmenopausal women were most at risk from mental health-related risk factors, but research from Texas Tech University found that a stress reduction program significantly reduced anxiety in women with existing heart disease.

So whether it's meditation, yoga, journal writing - find something that helps you unburden yourself of daily worries and anxiety. ‘Attaining and sustaining good mental health is just as vital as other factors, such as exercise and diet, in the prevention of cardiovascular disease,’ concludes Dr Suarez.


5 Stress Busting Workouts.

1. Stillness Of Mind With Yoga

Yoga is a well known stress busting and relief technique and for good reason. The poses combined with steady-breathing exercises help you to find a state of tranquillity and involve the concentration of the mind as well as body all allowing you to relax and forget your angst.

Yoga provides a superb counterbalance to your stress and will help you relax more out in the real world, which can't be a bad thing. Look for beginner classes or ones professing to be gentle for the ultimate in stress alleviation.


2. Get The Eye Of The Tiger With Boxercise

We all get it, that feeling when something inside us snaps and we are compelled to break something. Annoyingly we can't just go around smashing things when we get angry - but the good news is, a workout like boxercise is a close, safe and acceptable alternative.

Boxercise provides all the aggressive stress-pounding relief of boxing without the all the unnecessary loss of brain cells or punching other people. Best Porn sites www871999.com.

Classes are fun and will include things like shadow-boxing, punch bag training, skipping and press-ups. These strengthen your upper-body muscles and boost stamina, hand-eye coordination and balance, as well as improving flexibility in the feet and ankles. The punch bags may not be able to feel the punishment but your body certainly will, giving you a feeling of wellbeing. Besides we can always imagine the bags to be root of our stress!


3. Drop And Give Me 20 In Bootcamp

One very effective way of loosening up and ridding yourself of stress is by exhausting yourself until you can't support your own weight, let alone all that mental weight you've piled up on your shoulders. Bootcamp workouts are a way to do exactly that.

These military-inspired regimes emphasize short but extremely intense programs which consist largely of traditional stretches and exercises. Think push-ups, jumping jacks and lunges, and plenty of them, all aimed at heavily working your body. Bootcamp workouts provide an awesome full-body workout which will boost your cardiovascular system, strength, flexibility and tone trouble spots and the frequent changes in intensity, speed and tempo will leave you with very little time to dwell on your stress.


4. Dance Your Stress Away

If you are forced to concentrate on a complex task and this will take your mind off the cause of your stress - the more complicated the workout the more effective the stress reducing effect. Dance workouts are therefore a great way to get you fully focused and get your heart rate up.

Dance can be very complicated or very simple so, if you are a beginner, someone with little dance experience or (be honest) dance flair, then you may want to choose a beginner class. Regardless, you will still be learning and working your way towards executing complex dance moves; this will keep you occupied and take your mind off whatever it is that's bothering you.


5. Pump Some Iron

Weight training a great stress buster; there is something about the willpower it takes to do that extra rep that really helps to blow away the cobwebs. Another advantage of working with weights (as with all physical activity) is the self-esteem boost it gives you if you are down in the dumps. If lying on your back being "spotted" by a hench PT while you bench press doesn't appeal to you there are plenty of alternative weight training exercises such as kettlebells.